
‘To widen the horizons of young people through real outdoor adventures in the Peak District’

We believe in the power of the outdoors to enrich and transform lives

We are run by a dedicated team of staff with many years experience and great enthusiasm for the benefits and wonders of the outdoors! Our approach is to find out what you need, understand your objectives and then apply our knowledge and experience to meet your expectations.

Our facilities can work for groups young and not so young, formal or informal, independent and self-catering or fully programmed.  Whatever your objectives, we are ideally located to take advantage of the Peak District National Park, with access on foot or bike from our doorstep.

Our activities can be tailored to your needs.  You might want to abseil, learn to ride a bike, seek a quiet walk in a beautiful environment, use indoor training facilities or enjoy gathering around a campfire.  We will ask you what you want from your visit, and then use our knowledge of activities to ensure you get the outcomes and enjoyment you are seeking either here on your visit, or at a venue of your choice.

So, whether you are a school seeking to improve engagement with learning and better staff-pupil relations, a group of friends visiting the area to do your own thing in the Peak District or an enthusiast wishing to be coached by an expert in an activity, we can provide these for you.

Have a browse through our website then contact us to see how we can help.

Thornbridge Outdoors is owned and operated by Sheffield City Council.

Sheffield City Council Logo

Brilliant Residentials Research

Research has been carried out on the benefits of good residential outdoor learning experiences.  A final report of the Paul Hamlyn Foundation “Brilliant Residentials” about the value of residential experiences to young people has found that the following contributes to a “Brilliant Residential”:

  • fully integrated with the school curriculum and ethos
  • designed and led by teachers and, where appropriate, students
  • inclusive and affordable for all students
  • deliberately and collaboratively planned to meet students’ specific learning needs, and to embed and reinforce learning back in school
  • part of a progressive programme of experiences
  • designed to include a wide range of new and memorable experiences
  • designed to allow space for students to develop collaborative relationships with both peers and staff
  • evaluated rigorously
  • supported by senior leadership and school governors

We work with schools to meet and go beyond the above criteria by getting the school staff involved in the residential as much as possible.

Children smiling outdoors on a brilliant residential
The Thornbridge Outdoors logo

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Thornbridge Outdoors
Thornbridge Outdoors4 days ago
An unusual opportunity for schools to squeeze in some fantastic outdoor adventures for their young people!

We've some midweek last-minute summer term availability for schools both in our indoor accommodation and camping.

More information at https://www.thornbridgeoutdoors.co.uk/last-minute-school-vacancies-2025/.

Book soon!
Thornbridge Outdoors
Thornbridge Outdoors1 week ago
Spring's coming! The buds on a horse chestnut tree caught our eye today for looking like punk rockers! #spring #nature #peakdistrict