
We have undertaken a range of external safety accreditation processes in support of our mission of…

“To widen the horizons of young people through real outdoor adventures in the Peak District”

We believe that the four schemes outlined below will help to enable wide participation by young people and adults in quality outdoor experiences, and provide reassurance for customers that our centre’s systems have been externally verified.

Adventure Activities Licensing Authority

Adventure Activities Licensing Authority licences ensure that activity providers follow good safety management practices.  Our licence covers the following activities:

  • Abseiling
  • Caving
  • Hill Walking & Mountaineering
  • Mine Exploration
  • Off-Road Cycling
  • Open Canoeing (inland and sheltered tidal water)
  • Rock Climbing

For information regarding our delivery of non-licenceable activities please see the provider forms below.

AALA Licence 21/01/2024 to 20/01/2025 (PDF, 0.1mb)

You can find out more information about AALA licensing on the AALA website.

Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) Quality Badge

The LOtC Quality Badge is the nationally recognised indicator of good quality educational provision.  Our current Quality Badge (No: R2QB103016) is valid until 26th July 2025.

LOtC Certificate R2QB103016 – Thornbridge Outdoors (PDF, 0.2mb)


Adventuremark is a non-statutory safety scheme devised by the Adventure Activity Industry Advisory Committee (AAIAC) for providers of adventurous activities that are outside the scope of the Adventure Activity Licensing regulations.  Our current Quality Badge (No: AAA101404) is valid until 26th July 2025.

AHOEC Gold Standard Badge

AHOEC’s quality scheme was developed to go beyond the standards set by the LOtC Quality Badge, Adventuremark and AALA.  Encompassing not just safety but also the quality of service and learning, the Gold Standard logo provides assurances to participants and customers.  Our current Quality Badge is valid until 4th March 2025.

Provider Form

Many local authorities require providers of educational experiences to complete a provider form to assure that they meet required safety standards and policies.  Please download a copy of our completed provider form.


We hold both public liability insurance and employer’s liability insurance.

Visiting Staff Led Activities

Many of our activities can be led by visiting staff and we have resources available to support these.  In order to lead groups on our low ropes course and on our bikes, staff are required to have attended an induction course.  To book places on these courses please ask the staff involved to visit our Visiting Staff Induction & Training Courses page, select a course date and complete the booking enquiry form at the bottom of the page.  The low ropes and biking leader induction courses are not designed to assess visiting staff members’ skills and aptitude.

It is the responsibility of the school / academy to ensure that appropriate insurance is in place to cover visiting staff led activities, that assigned staff are suitably experienced & skilled and that the activities are led properly.

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Thornbridge Outdoors
Thornbridge Outdoors2 weeks ago
Our first school group of the year have had 3 days of great adventures with some spectacular views. #peakdistrict #outdoorlearning
Thornbridge Outdoors
Thornbridge Outdoors3 weeks ago
Happy New Year!! Here's to another great year of widening horizons through real outdoor adventures in the wonderful Peak District!